Granted ordinary passports for the first time in Vietnam representative agencies abroad



The order of execution ​ ​ ​ ​

​Name step
Description step
​1. Get Profile Applications filed at the headquarters ofdiplomatic missionsconsular offices ofVietnam in foreign countries (hereinafter referred to as representative offices).
Time and result recordsthe working dayprescribed by the Agency representatives(except for holidays, holidays under the provisions of the host country and theholidaysNew Year’s Day as prescribed byVietnam ).
​2. ​​Consideringsettlement Agency representatives receive dossiers,consider and resolve.
​3 ​​Returns results Get live results at the headquarters of theagency in accordance with receipt records.



Ingredients Profile ​ ​ ​

Ingredients Profile
​1. One (01) Declaration Form X02 for Vietnam citizens abroad for the issuance, amendmentsupplement ordinary passport / travel document and two (02) identical photos4×6 cmtaken on white background, straight face, bareheaded, without glasses colortaken within a year, including 01 photos and 01 affixed to the application form attached image.
 Children under the age of 14 applying for a passport, the declarationseparate from parent to sign insteadIn case of declaration by theadoptive father, adoptive mother or guardian sign on their behalf, thepresent proof is adoptive father, adoptive mother or guardian;
– Where a parent applying for children under 09 years old share intoVietnam passports of parents, the common declaration on thedeclaration of the parentfiled 02 photos sized 3 x 4 cm of such children.
​2. Copy or snapshot (if the snapshot is required to produce the original test, for comparison) of one of the following documents used as a basis for issuing passports (where the general level of children in Vietnam passport South of the parent, the documents relating to such children):
– Documents proving citizenship Vietnam (photo type) under Vietnam law on nationality, issued through the period;
– Certificate of citizenship personnel currently overseas Vietnam by the Immigration Department of Public Security is still valid (Model X04);
– Document issued by the State management agencies competent to citizens of Vietnam are still valid, there is a full record personal identifications and photos. Personal factors include a person’s full name, date of birth, place of birth, gender and nationality of the person.
The paper on if expired or no photos, only the reference used as a basis for granting passports.
​3. Copy of birth certificate for children under 14 years separate request for a passport (if the snapshot, then produce the original for comparison).
Number of records One (01) item.
Form, declaration form ​ ​

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